The long-term goal

We are on, to replace a few large power plants by millions of small power producers. We continue to end the use of coal, Uranium and gas, to take advantage of the sun and wind. Wir verlagern dabei – where appropriate – the ownership of a few large corporations to millions of citizens and the professional middle class. the dynamics, that arises, wenn Menschen in allen Regionen in die Lage versetzt werden, be able to generate clean electricity and use, It's amazing. The shift to the local level, even individual citizens, but also points to the limits of subsidiarity and efficiency of decentralized power system.

Structural Reform

The effectiveness of citizens' initiative, that, flanked by prudent regulatory framework, Dynamik entfaltet, is detectable by the example of the energy transition. Der energiewirtschaftliche Transformationsprozess wirkt Intransparenz und der zunehmenden Konzentration von Kapital entgegen. Er offenbart aber auch, that individual action in the sense of climate protection, the best way is not necessarily, to overall social transformation also complete. This is the example of Introduction of electric individual traffic shown. Various policy departments are therefore encouraged, to create conditions, the couple a dynamic process of solidarity and economic efficiency.

During the study of the humanities, I worked as an assistant in the Greenpeace climate campaign. Seit 2008 befasse ich mich mit der Analyse des deutschen Energiesystems und der Energiewende im Besonderen. My stations led me about the renewable energy project developer juwi, where I worked as a project manager of the Communications Department, über die 100 prozent erneuerbar stiftung, where I as a project regional power concepts developed, back to Hamburg, where I use my knowledge as a freelance consultant.

The potential of electric mobility, in the sense of individual motorized (MIV), für die Beschleunigung der Energiewende rückt seit 2016 in das Zentrum meiner Betrachtung. It is now clear: to couple both projects consistently, has significant advantages for the people- such as energy alike.